Friday, 12 June 2015

Hai there,
If you clicked on this it probably means you are compeletly bored or doing homework (which is more or less the same thing)
I want this to be anonymous so my name will be... Rachael. I've always like that name.

I don't really have a best friend, but I have a few good friends (all names below are fake)


Everything else I post will be true...

So recently I met this boy, lets say his name is Ben. I knew Ben before as he is my cousin's friend and we used to play minecraft together (I know sad) but I never met him until last saturday.
It was my uncle in laws party so we went and he was there. We had an amazing time but he lives an hour away. As soon as I left I realised I loved him.
I told Holly about him but I didn't tell her I loved him. I told Lena though and she is really supportive of the situation. On wednesday I talked via instagram to Ben and i thought there was hope but i accidently posted something on my snapchat story

I was trying to talk to Lena, saying i was talking to him but it got uploaded. I didn't realise until a hour afterwords and by that time, he had already seen it. I was mortified.

So everythings calmed down but now Holly has started chatting him up through instagram. They were talking about me and Holly told him I liked him  (I hadn't told her, she worked it out) and he said "that's cute". He rated her a 9/10 on hotness level and puts around 6 x's after each convasation.
By now I have lost hope. Holly is much prettier than I am so I have no chance.

If someone did bother to read this then please comment on what I should do

Pointless world xx

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